London Tours

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Tour Guides

Ana's Tours of Scotland en Francaises.

CareFree Tours

Ana is keen on many tours. She is an expert in the French speaking market, friendly and caring, but also hard working. For many years she worked for both the French and the Italian embassies. She specialises in Scottish tours. On the 5 day tour, she will take groups to Cambridge, York, Liverpool, the Lake Districts, Windemere, Glencoe, Crianlarich, Fort Williams, the Lochness 'monster' and the Trossacks. On the 8 day Scottish tour, she will add Wales: Cardiff castle, Snowdonia National Park, Bristol, Caernarfon Castle in Gwynedd, St David's Cathedral and many typical villages.

Always trying to please her clients by showing every historic detail on her route and not afraid to point out the unfavourable part of an historical site! A tour guide conducting car tours and walking tours as well, she is happier taking private tours of groups and individuals by private car.

Ana's London Special Events this month:


En un Parque Real de Londres, en un sitio tradicional de te, a un precio razonable que sera' una experiencia inolvidable, en un rincon acogedor del Londres escondido entre Downing Street , Palacio de Buckingham, Piccadilly y Abadia de Westminster. Este lugar idilico frente al lago real, es un placer para descansar y sonar un poco.

Tiene un espléndido techo de cesped Ingles, vistas de sauces llorones y tanta variedad de arboles. Hay jardines, flores y arbustos. Hay cisnes blancos y negros, ocas, patos, pelicanos y una variedad de pajaros, gaviotas, mirlos y ardillas, que han elegido de hacer este parque su casa.

Disfrute de un te acompanados de pasteles, tartas y la compania de nuestra guia que le contara' los ultimos acontecimientos de Londres, ideas para excursiones, anecdotas historicas, recomendaciones de obras teatrales y restaurantes terminando esta excursion interesante mostrando otros lugares historicos incluydo la mayor colecion del mes de la Galeria Nacional.

